
Dr. Nicole Johnson is a leading expert in macro-level digital learning trends. She offers workshops and presentations, consulting services, and research services to help organizations better understand and navigate the digital transformation of higher education.

Workshops and Presentations

Dr. Johnson is an experienced keynote speaker and presenter. Drawing upon the latest research in the field of digital learning, she is available to share insights on digital learning trends in higher education and strategic guidance to equip your organization to plan for the future with confidence.

Consulting Services

In her consulting practice, Dr. Johnson helps clients develop future-ready strategies and policies for technology use in teaching and learning. Her consulting work focuses on helping her clients better understand the nuances of the current digital learning landscape. Book a complimentary discovery call to discuss the challenges your organization is working to overcome.

Research Services

As a skilled mixed-methods researcher, Dr. Johnson’s research interests include examining the implications of GenAI in education, exploring potential futures for higher education, defining key terms associated with digital learning, investigating faculty experiences with technology, investigating the use of OER, and understanding how adults learn informally in digital contexts.

I’m here to help.

The past few years have been a time of rapid change for higher education. Clients often come to me seeking insights and guidance to help them overcome challenges related to the digital transformation of teaching and learning. Nowadays, students want more flexible learning options and technology integration in their courses, which often leads to questions about quality assurance and ensuring academic integrity. At the same time, some faculty are eager to try innovative practices, while others are feeling out of their depth and perhaps resistant to technological change. Sifting through the mountain of opinions about what to do (and what not to do) can feel overwhelming, especially since any technological innovation comes at a cost and needs to withstand the test of time.

With nearly 15 years experience in the field of digital learning (and more than two decades of experience in the broader field of education), I’ve seen many trends come and go. I’ve also researched innovations that were (or are) predicted to be major disruptors and I can help you discern passing fads from technologies with lasting transformative potential.

If you need a sounding board for an innovative idea that you’re hoping to bring to the higher education marketplace or assistance in developing strategies to overcome challenges related to digital learning, I can help bring clarity and provide evidence-based advice for your situation. I’m eager to come alongside your team to figure out answers to your toughest questions.

Book a complimentary discovery call and let’s chat.

~Dr. Nicole Johnson