Future-ready insights.

Helping you navigate the digital transformation of higher education.

Technology use is reshaping higher education.

Whether you are developing future-ready strategies and policies for technology use in teaching and learning, or want to better understand the nuances of the current digital learning landscape, I’m here to help.

I offer workshops and presentations, consulting, and research services to help you and your team ride the wave of digital transformation with confidence. Analyzing and forecasting digital learning trends is my area of expertise and I provide my clients with practical, evidence-based guidance.

Book a complimentary discovery call with me and let’s work together to prepare your organization for the future.

~Dr. Nicole Johnson

Recent Publications

Houlden, S., Veletsianos, G., & Johnson, N. (2024). Is Artificial Intelligence in Education an Object or a Subject? Evidence from a Story Completion Exercise on Learner-AI Interactions. TechTrends. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11528-024-00942-5

Veletsianos, G., Johnson, N., & Houlden, S. (2024). How do Canadian faculty members imagine future teaching and learning modalities? Educational Technology Research and Development. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11423-024-10350-4

Johnson, N. (2023). An increasing demand for technology use in teaching and learning: 2023 Pan-Canadian report on digital learning trends in Canadian post-secondary education. Canadian Digital Learning Research Association. https://cdlra-acrfl.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023-Pan-Canadian-Report-EN.pdf

Johnson, N. (2023). What To Do When the Modality of A Learning Experience is Unclear: Guidelines for Creating Multidimensional Learning Experiences. WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET). https://wcet.wiche.edu/resources/what-to-do-when-the-modality-of-a-learning-experience-is-unclear-guidelines-for-creating-multidimensional-learning-experiences/